Sunday 31 May 2015

Benjamin's POV on Boxer's Death

This is what I think Benjamin would Think.

I can't trust anyone in this place. Not the Humans, and DEFINITELY not the pigs. They think they can try to deceive us. I've been here a loooong time. Nothing ever changes in this place. All we do is work. But those pigs crossed the line when the thought they could kill Boxer, when of the best people in the farm. They turned him into glue! But the saddest part of all is that the other animals believe them. I don't want to say anything because they'll kill me. So I'll just keep working. I feel bad for Mollie though. She lost her best friend to those dirty little pigs. I'm trying everything to comfort her but she is still crying. I hate this place, it will never change. We're slaves, we'll never retire.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Deceiving Pigs

I feel bad for the animals.
They've been through a lot by the end of the book. Many died and worked hard to get where they are. At the beginning of the book they had just one simple dream, for freedom from tyranny. Did they get it? Of course.....not. The pigs with their superior mind and cleverness, took advantage of the animals and became their ruler. A far more worse leader than Mr.Jones. They tried to escape but someone just took over that position.
The bad thing is the animals didn't even know, or want to know, that the pigs were deceiving them. They either thought Napoleon was always right, or they're just too dumb to figure it out. Partly due to their extensive propaganda. They had Squealer, who was a great talker, he always found a way to trick the animals. He made them think they were helping them, but they were really helping themselves. We also saw him rule by fear, by killing animals, even pigs, to send a message. They also bent the rules, and lied about the past. The animals still believed them!
We see people trick, deceive, and convince us all the time.On TV the advertisements try to say things that aren't true to get us to do something. The pigs and the advertisements use the same method to try to get us to do something. They say things that'll want to make us do things. But all in all people try to trick us all the time to get what they want. We should always be aware if people, or pigs, to this stuff.

Monday 18 May 2015

See The Bigger Picture

Once I started reading this book, I became fascinated with what the story is based off of. It is about Joseph Stalin a communist leader who ran the Soviet union. He abused his power and ran the country for the better of the state, but not the people. That's exactly what Napoleon is, he's Stalin. Animal Farm is basically symbolizes the USSR. Snowball is Trotsky, Boxer is the workers, everything is something from the USSR. And the events that happen in the story are based on events that also happened. Even the reactions of the animals are the same.
We should learn a lot of things from this book. Such as how not to run a society, don't betray people, and many more. But the cool thing about it is that the book is it's partially not fictional since it's based on the events that happen in Soviet Russia. That is why we learn history, the past. If we don't learn these things, we may repeat these things. Specifically the bad things. The past is just like a book, we learn valuable lessons.

The Bad will Always Remain

When I was reading the book Animal Farm my reactions were mixed. I kind of liked and did not like it. The part I like was the message I see the author is trying to tell. I've only read the beginning, so things could change.
When Napoleon attacked Snowball with his pack of hounds, it quite surprised me. He then started to run things just like Mr.Jones, who treated the animals poorly, prior to when he was kicked out. Nothing changed with the change of their new leaders. Sure their leader is a pig, but does he treat the animals any different. He took advantage of his power, even though he was one of the animals being treated poorly! The animals reactions were rather mixed. They were scared, frightened, and very skeptical to what Napoleon is saying
You see this a lot in the world around you. Such as kids who get abused at home, then go to school and bully other kids. Or when kids grow up the tend to act the same or to similar to their parents. Even when you think you got rid of the evil, the evil will always make it's way back. It's our job to know what to do about it.